Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (089) Future Plans



On the first of May, Harry Archer arrived on the island to sign the leases on the Old Grain Store, which was to be the Archers Ornamental premises on the island and one of the two-bedroom flats in the Old Barn conversion.

So his first port of call was the Galleon Coffee Shop where he met with Amelia Williamson where he signed the paperwork and picked up the keys. 

His sister Pandora had already made all the arrangements with the utility companies, and that was all happening the next day.

Once he had finished with Amelia, he had other fish to fry so he hurried towards the quayside.


Arielle Nicolas had been standing on the quayside for about ten minutes, she was always early, when she saw Harry approaching and her heart soared.

When he reached her, they embraced and only the sound of

Phil Holgate starting the engines of the Ocean Breeze brought them back to the moment, so they smiled and got aboard, and then the Water Taxi moved off down the Spanish River towards the open water and it was a smooth ride across the dead calm sea.


The Shaw Brothers ferry, the Empress Victoria, was on the jetty at Cabot Town, and Phil brought the launch to a halt beside the small quayside.

Cabot Town itself was actually just a hamlet, with a café, and a General Store/Post Office, from there Arielle and Harry went South to the farthest end of Broad Beach Sands, then they walked back up the full length of the beach and back up the rocky path to the lane past the Seaview Hotel which led to the meteorological station and then they walked inland to Hastings Lake to have their picnic lunch.


They ate their picnic sat on a tartan rug in the spot beside the Lake where they shared their first kiss.

When they had finished Harry refilled their glasses with champagne and as he raised his glass in a toast he said  

“Arielle Nicholas, will you marry me?”

“You want to marry me?” she asked quietly

“Yes” he said “I love you and I want to marry you”

“I love you too” she said “Of course I’ll marry you”


As soon as they returned to Spaniards Creek they went straight to Cliff Haven 

“We wanted you to be the first to know” Arielle said and fidgeted excitedly

 on the spot, then blurted out

“We are engaged”

“That’s wonderful news” Molly said and kissed her

“Congratulations” Danny added

“Are you up for a celebratory dinner?” Molly asked


The day after Harry proposed he was nursing a hangover when he was at the new premises and the flat, while amongst other things, carpets were being laid, the phones were being installed and the signage was being affixed, but he was feeling better by the time Arielle joined him for lunch.


Harry’s brother Sam arrived on Wednesday in a Luton van loaded to the gunwales with equipment and Matt Deighton was in the passenger seat.

All of the staff in Sharpington were canvassed to see if any of them wanted to transfer to the new building but only Matt was interested.

Which suited Harry because he liked Matt, and they worked well together.

Sam returned to Sharpington that night, but Matt stayed on the island, then he returned the next day with another load, and repeated the cycle on Friday but brought Pandora with him who then returned to the mainland with the empty van and Sam stayed on.


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