Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (067) The Dinner Date


While he was shaving, fifty-five-year-old Duncan paused to look at his reflexion and thought his face had stood the test of time, and his body wasn’t too bad for a man at his time of life, he was still physically fit despite being a little softer around the middle, but when he was dressed in a smart suit, he was genuinely quite presentable for his age.


In her room at the Beaumont Manor Anna had been having a similar internal discussion as she stood before her own mirror, the only difference was that she had been doing it for a few hours longer.

At fifty-three her figure was in quite good shape, she kept fit and hadn’t given birth or had a hysterectomy, so her body had not reached the level of decline that some of her contemporary’s had.


Duncan was very nervous as he drove to the Beaumont Manor that evening because he felt very much that after their previous date things had quickly moved to a whole new level, and although he was very comfortable with that.

His nerves stemmed from a fear that he might blow it.

It had been a while that he'd felt that way about someone and he didn't want to lose her now he'd found her.


Anna was also nervous, she had fallen head over heels for Duncan, and that wasn’t what she expected would happen, and was out of character for her.

She just thought she had found someone companionable to share a meal with, now the stakes were much higher, so she dressed in her most flattering dress.


Suffice is to say he for one was very pleased with the way she looked, and they had a great evening, good food, good company and good conversation. 

When they got to the coffee stage he asked

“So back to the mainland tomorrow?”

“I’m afraid so” she replied “Which is a shame because I’m not back to work until Monday”

“Can’t you stay extra night at least” Duncan asked

“No, I can’t get away with another night at the trusts expense” Anna replied sadly

“You can always stay at the farm” he suggested

His parents were away on holiday, they were the reason he was unable to meet her on Monday as he was dropping them off at the airport, and his children, Derek and Emily, were away at university, so they’d have the place to themselves.

“However, I just have to say in the interests of full disclosure I can’t promise that my intentions will be truly honourable”

“Then I’m afraid the answer is yes” Anna said

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