Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (088) Civil Engineering


The civil engineer, recommended by Carolyn Livingston, Sam Richardson, had done his part and Adam Jandrell had submitted the plans for the foot bridge to the parish council and on the last Monday of April the council were meeting, and the foot bridge plans were on the agenda.


The committee was comprised of Church Warden Howard Nelson who was Chair, the Vicar Arielle Nicholas, Primary School Headmistress Margaret Johnson, Katie Harrison from Beacon Farm, and Rachel Hanson from the Galleon Coffee shop, who was also the Verger.

“Do we really think we need a foot bridge?” Margaret asked

“It’s been at least 20 years since the last one was struck by lightning, and we’ve managed without it”

“Well I think as there is no cost to us, we’d be foolish not to take advantage of it” Rachel responded “And I remember as kids we used the old bridge as a short cut to the beach”

“I agree,” said Katie. “What about you Vicar?”

“Well, Acts 20:35 says a person is more blessed by giving, but in order for this to happen, someone must be willing to be blessed by receiving, so let’s allow ourselves to be blessed” 

“We’re not used to investment in Spaniards Creek” Howard said “So I’m in favour, but we should put it to the vote”


After the Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of the bridge proposal the night before, it ticked another box for Molly and put another task on the list for Adam and his team.


They were on the final push to finish on the East side of the Spanish River and the nerves were fraying with the long hours and the fast-approaching deadline.

So on Friday when Franci Liebenberg walked into the site cabin and heard Adam Jandrell talking on the phone.

“Of course” Adam said “My right hand “man” will take care of that”

Something inside Franci snapped and she snatched the phone from his hand and ended the call, then she pushed his chair back, so the headrest was touching the wall and barked

“I don’t want to be your bloody right-hand “man”, I am not your right-hand “man” I am a woman, and do you know why I do not want to be your right-hand “man”?” she asked

“NNNNo” he stammered

“I want to be your woman” she replied and then she kissed him very aggressively


It was a mixed bag of weather over the last weekend in April with a very wet Saturday and a glorious Sunday, and it was Deborah Woodward’s weekend off, so she and Stuart Cameron got to go shopping on the wet day and walked together in the sunshine, but they still hadn’t progressed any further than friendship.

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