Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (117) Lily and David


Lily Nunthorpe was a seamstress by trade and owned a vintage clothes shop in St Pierre, “Then for Now” and specialised in repairing and rejuvenating old garments, as well as stocking a large quantity of Vintage wear.

Her best friend was David Lee who was the owner of the Forum Cinema, and they had been friends since their school days along with their other halves.

Since they were both widowed, they became much closer, her husband Jack hand been gone for ten years whereas David’s wife Brenda had only passed two years earlier.

In those two years they were always together and could often be seen  walking their dogs together.

It was a significant year for both of them as they were both turning 60.

David was first and he had a big family celebration on the day but two days later on Saturday the two of them celebrated it again, ending up at her house.

Her niece Poppy lived with her, but she couldn’t keep up with the oldies and went to bed leaving them to carry on celebrating, and they celebrated so well that their inhibitions floated away on an alcohol fuelled wave, which is why, Lily suddenly said.

“I love you David”

“I love you too” he replied and had another drink

“No I mean “I love you”” she said and held his hand.

He squeezed her hand in return and smiled and said  

“And I….”

But he never finished, and shook his head

“No, no, I can’t”

Then he got up and stumbled out of the door with Lily shouting at him as he left

“Don’t go David, I’m sorry”


The next day Lily berated herself for her stupidity, in declaring her love for David, and had condemned herself to walking the dog alone, and now wouldn’t be able to celebrate her birthday with the man she loved.

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