Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (081) A Busy Month


April was going to be a busy month for Molly, a lot of things were coming to fruition.

At Midnight on Friday 8th of April owner ship of St Clara’s Church ceased to be part of the Church of England and changed to the ownership of the Barrington estate.

Molly chose that date because she thought it appropriate because it was Lazarus Saturday, which was the day when Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead after he had lain in the grave four days.

She was metaphorically doing the same thing with the Church because if not for her intervention it would unquestionably have fallen into a state of disrepair from which it wouldn't have risen again.


Adam Jandrell and his team were on track to have the building renovation completed on the site over on the east side of the Spanish River, by the end of April and the west side by June 1st.

Then the team could commence work on the Church Lane Cottages.

Which meant that Amelia Williamson needed to start looking for tenants, and the Parish Council helped with a list of suitable candidates.

Molly had instructed Amelia that priority was to be given to local people or people with ties to the village at the very least or those who worked in some capacity on the island either in agriculture, the hotel or the hospital.

For the commercial units they could be rented to non-islanders, but the businesses had to employ local labour.

But the month was also tinged with a small amount of sadness because once the Church was under her full ownership, she could complete the plans for her grandfather’s reinterment, which obviously opened old wounds.

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