Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (062) New Beginnings


After Church on Sunday Reverend Arielle Nicholas arrived at Cliff Haven for lunch.

She liked being invited for Sunday lunch because she was a terrible cook, and even if she wasn’t she wouldn’t have bothered just for her.

After a very acceptable meal Molly and Arielle retired to the lounge while Danny cleared away.

“So, what were your questions?” Molly asked

“I just have one question really” she said

“Which is?”

“Why don’t you want people to know that you’ve bought the Church?”

“That’s simple” she replied

Then went on to explain that she wanted to do the best for the people of Spaniards Creek, but she didn’t want to come off as Lady bountiful, so she wanted to help them without them knowing she was helping them.

Molly further explained that the reason the Bishop agreed to sell St Clara’s to her was because the land on which the Church stood already belonged to her, along with the vicarage.

“What about the Church Lane Cottages?” she asked

“Yes, I own those as well, and an assortment of derelict buildings down by the Spanish River” Molly replied

“What made you think of the cottages?”

“Well, the tenants have been telling me for years that they belonged to the Church” the Vicar said as Danny entered the room carrying a tray of coffees.

“I would prefer they kept thinking that” Molly said “Because I’m in a bit of a quandary”

Then she explained she didn’t want her tenants to know who their landlord was, nor did she want Brown and Leigh, the property agents, to know she was involved, but she wanted an independent inspection of the 12 cottages, without the agent’s knowledge or consent.

“Are you not happy with the agents?”

“No, I’m not” Molly said “I think all the cottages need work, I just don’t know how much”

“The tenants are all congregants, so I can talk to them” The Vicar suggested

“Yes, that would be helpful, thank you” Molly said


The next afternoon the Vicar was back having spoken with the residents and she had a plan, or rather, Franci Liebenberg, had a plan.

Molly knew Franci because she was working on the renovations.

The Vicar knew her because she also attended St Clara’s, and because she was a native of Spaniards Creek, and her plan involved getting her friend Amelia Williamson to help.


Amelia was also from Spaniards Creek and had been working in property management in Purplemere for four years before returning to the village following her father’s stroke.

She was now picking up shifts as a barista at the Galleon and behind the bar at Philips Folly so she could be at home to help her mum nurse her dad.




So on the first of March, Franci and Amelia knocked on the door of the first cottage.

As far as the residents were concerned the cottages belonged to the Church so they weren’t suspicious as the Vicar had visited them all, the day before, to warn them, and by the end of the day they had done a comprehensive inspection of all 12 properties.

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