Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (112) Sweet Caroline


On Wednesday Amelia Williamson paid a visit to Cliff Haven to speak with Molly,

“Hi Amelia” she said “Come in”

“Thanks Molly, I’m sorry to disturb you, but we have a problem”

“What sort of problem?” Molly asked

“They’ve discovered evidence of woodworm in the roof space of the cottages” Amelia said

“So what’s the solution?” Molly said

“It’s simple enough to fix” she replied “They just need to spray all the timbers”

“That sounds ok”

“The problem is that all the tenants are retirees, some of which have COPD and other breathing difficulties” she explained “And…”

“And the chemicals could exacerbate there health problems” Molly said, “So how long would they need to vacate for?”

“48 hours”

“Put them all up at the Beamont for a night” Molly said “To be on the safe side make it too”

“You’ll need to let their GP know and I’ll speak with Victoria”


Two days after “mothgate” Morgan Baker and Tom Sword met outside the Gondolier where the diminutive Police Officer and the great bear of a Pastry Chef had the first of many dates.


Caroline Wells and Duncan Wilson were married for fifteen years before they divorced, and they were separated for two years before that.

It was not an acrimonious parting, and there was no ill feeling, in fact they were still friends, and there was still love between them, though not a romantic love.

Caroline had also remained very involved in her children’s lives and was still on very good terms with the rest of the family.

The breakdown of the marriage was not a lack of love, it simply came down to the fact that she did not come from a farming background, Duncan had thought she would grow to love it, but she never really did.


She ran a successful business in St Pierre, a Coffee House, called Gilbert’s, overlooking the harbour.

It was named after the minor Norman nobleman, Gilbert du Beaumont, who claimed the Bay Islands for himself, after the Battle of Hastings.


Duncan was now in another relationship and was all loved up with an Audiologist called Anna, and she was very happy for him, but she was also more than a little jealous.

But there was no one in her life, well not since New Years Eve when she got in a clinch with Doctor Austin Freshwater, not that she knew he was a doctor at the time.

Nothing came of it though because neither of them thought to get the others name.

So that was that, until she went to the Saxvirdan Surgery about her migraines on Friday, if she’d been more of a hypochondriac, she would have discovered sooner that her mystery snogger was Austin Freshwater and he was a GP.

He was on a twelve-month secondment and had only been on the island for a couple of months when they had their passionate embrace. 

When her name was called, Caroline walked into the surgery and the Doctor had his back to her.

“Take a seat Mrs Wells” He said as he turned around there was a moment’s hesitation and then they said in unison

“Oh it’s you”


It was nice to have seen him again but apart from a minute of polite intercourse it was just Doctor Patient.

So she left the surgery with mixed feelings, pleased to have seen him but unsure where to go next.


She was very busy the next day, Saturdays were always busy at the Gilbert but that day it was busier than ever, from the moment they opened until about 4pm when there was a bit of a lull.

It was during that lull when she saw Austin walk in and sit down.

Sally Watson was just about to go and take his order, but Caroline said

“Ok Sally I’ve got this one”

“Ok” she said, and Caroline walked over to his table

“Hello Doctor, what can I get you?”

“Ah Good, I am in the right place” he said

“Are you meeting someone?” she asked “I can wait to take your order”

“No I’m not meeting anyone” he replied

“I was looking for you”

“Me! Really? How did you track me down?”

“I asked around” he replied, and she was a bit taken aback and didn’t know what to say so he helped her out by saying

“I’ll have a cappuccino”

“Ok no problem”

“Won’t you join me?” he asked

“I would love to, but as you can see, we’re really busy today” she said as another group walked in

“Some other time then”

“Definitely” she replied

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