Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (138) The Tempest


While Molly and Danny were sunning themselves on the white Sardinian sands, the Pepperstock Bay Islands were taking a battering from an autumn storm, which in the early hours of Wednesday morning brought part of an oak tree down in Manor Row which ended up going through Deborah Woodward’s bedroom window.

Fortunately she wasn’t at home at the time as she was on a night shift, but she got a nasty shock when she got home at 8 o’clock even though Stuart Cameron had phoned her.


The fire service was in attendance when she got home and she was greeted by part time firefighters Frazer Richmond, who she knew from the hospital as he was also a paramedic, and Adrian Robinson.

The damage was much worse than she expected, the huge oak bough had indeed gone through her bedroom window, but it had taken a big chunk of wall as it did so, and there was substantial damage to the roof as well.

Frazer and Adrian had secured a tarpaulin over the damage in order to keep the elements out, but the tree was still in situ as it was still partially attached to the tree.

“Is it safe to go in?”

“I wouldn’t recommend it until the tree has been removed” Frazer replied

“Can I at least go in and pack a bag?” she asked

“Yes, but don’t go into that bedroom” Frazer said, and she let herself in.


Deborah returned about ten minutes later carrying a large suitcase and a small holdall, she paused briefly to lock the door and then she walked up the path. 

The rest of the crew had stowed their gear on the vehicle and Frazer and Adrian had been joined by Stuart.

“Have you got everything you need?” Frazer asked 

“Yes, I think so” she replied despondently

“Where are you going to stay?” Adrian asked

“The Hotel I suppose” she replied

“Nonsense” Stuart interjected “I’ve made up the bed in the spare room”

“Are you sure?” she asked

“Absolutely” he replied as he took her suitcase

“Bless you” she said

“And thank you guys as well”

“No problem” Frazer said “The Baker’s will be along in a little while”

“Who are the Baker’s?” she asked

“The tree surgeons”


It was midmorning when Brother and Sister, Nathan and Vicki Baker arrived in Manor Row, it was not their first job of the day.

There were five siblings in the Baker family, but only two of them were tree surgeons, and they lived together in St Pierre in a large Victorian house, with rooms over 4 floors, since the substantial loft space had been converted into another bedroom, and there was also a cellar that was used as the movie/games room.

Their parents had retired to Spain and left the house to the five children equally, and it was built by one of their ancestors, and was something of a monstrosity, but it was home.


They soon set to work and quickly dealt with the problem bough, before dealing with any loose or damaged branches on the tree itself, and just as they had finished loading the last of the lumber onto the pickup, Adam Jandrell and Franci Liebenberg arrived to do a full inspection and make the tarpaulin secure after the tree was gone. 


Once they had finished in Manor Row Nathan and Vicki drove back to Spaniards Creek and unloaded the wood in the yard, where it would be cut and dried to sell as firewood by local girl Zoey Bargeman, who began working for the Baker’s within a week of them moving in.

Apart from working for them, stunningly attractive Zoey spent a lot of her spare time with Vicki, and they became great friends as they were both 25 years old and had a lot in common.

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