Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (120) The Summer Fête


As had been the long-standing tradition the summer Fête was held in the Hospital grounds and also in keeping with tradition it was extremely well attended.

It was a glorious day with not a cloud in the sky but it was extremely hot so Heather had insisted additional tented areas should be provided and free bottled water.

Fortunately a lot of money was raised for good causes, and no one suffered any ill effects of the heat, well almost no one.


Caroline Wells had a popup coffee stall at the Summer Fête, and she did the early stint and spent the rest of the day with Austin enjoying all the stalls and attractions, and for her at least it felt like they were a proper couple.


It was at the end of the day when all the punters had left and a few helpers were milling around packing up the stalls, Heather was in the refreshments tent, packing away the un-drunk water when Frazer happened along.

“Ah Heather” he said “There you are”

“Hello Frazer”

“It’s been a wonderful success” he said

“You sound surprised” Heather said

“Well I am a bit” he confessed and sat down

“We obviously make a good team” she offered as she picked up a box of water.

“Yes, we do” he agreed just as Heather stumbled and dropped the box she was carrying

“Damn it” she said and crouched down to pick it up then she looked up at him and smiled


Which was when he leant towards her and kissed her and more to the point she kissed him back.

When their lips parted, they looked at each other and she said

“Well I think that has made all the hard work worthwhile”

“Exactly what I was thinking” he agreed, and they kissed again.

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