Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (099) Houseguests



Molly and Danny were enjoying having houseguests, but with all the activity around the opening of the office, building work and Church renovations, the reinterment and the excitement of the Vicars engagement they were pooped, and it was unlikely to get less busy before the end of June.

So when they had the house to themselves, they took the opportunity for some well-earned sofa hogging and a spot of guiltless canoodling.

But on Tuesday they had to knuckle down to the book which with recent events they had got seriously behind, and it took the rest of the week to get back on track . 


On the first Saturday in June Harold Jardine knocked on the door enquiring after Victoria.

“I'm sorry Harold, but she’s not back yet, they’ve decided to extend their stay in London for a few more days” Molly said

“Oh ok”

“She’ll be back in time for her birthday though” she assured him 

“Her birthday?”

“Yes, it’s her 40th on Friday”

“Oh I didn’t know that I must get her a gift, any suggestions?”

“She would appreciate that I’m sure” Molly concurred

“She likes truffles”

“Chocolate of fungi?” he asked, and she laughed

“Chocolate” she said “I can see now why she likes you”

“Thanks Molly”


After the second reading of the banns on Sunday Arielle and Harry discussed the wedding plans, who they would invite, the order of service, Katie would be Matron of honour bridesmaid’s, were to be Molly Barrington, Nikki Harrison and the verger, Rachel Hanson , Sam Archer was best man, and George Wood would give her away, as she had no family.


Their Honeymoon was to a short one after the wedding, because Harry had to get the business back on track after the move, they would have a proper honeymoon the following year.

Molly was giving them the reception and the bridal suite at the Beaumont manor as a wedding present.


That just left them with the problem of who would officiate at ceremony.

If they had still been a Church of England Church a locum would have been supplied but they weren’t, so they had to make other arrangements.

So she thought of Henry Noble, Arielle had been his curate for several years, although he was still only 58, he left the church to look after his sick wife.

She had passed two years earlier but hadn’t felt ready to pick up the mantel again.

But when Arielle asked him to marry her, he really couldn’t refuse.

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