Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (152) A Miserable Week


As usual Molly and Danny attended Church on Sunday and it was a beautiful sunny morning and St Clara’s was very well attended, and it was as if they all knew it was to be the last bright day of the month.


On a rainy Monday morning Natasha Baker was paying a visit to Kingham’s Saddle and Tack makers, on Roman Road, or more specifically, she was paying a visit to Oliver Kingham.

There had long been something simmering between them but following Howard Nelson and Carolyn Livingston’s engagement party she had decided to be more proactive.

In her role as Horse Breeder on Woodside Farm she was accustomed to wearing a baggy sweater, jodhpurs and boots, but at the party she managed to turn a few heads wearing a dress and high heels, and she was sure that Oliver’s eye, was turned on her also.

So she visited Kingham’s wearing figure hugging jeans and a snug fitting top to make sure his eyes were on her again.

Her pretence for being there was a saddle in need of repair, they weren’t desperate for another saddle, and the one in question had been in need of attention for some time, but it gave her an excuse to go and see Oliver.

Unfortunately for both of them, he was not alone as his two apprentices, Jacqueline Craig and Matt Stearnes were present, so Natasha wasn’t able to use her womanly wiles on him.

So after a brief chat she said goodbye and went back out into the gloomy weather and resolved to get him on another day.


It was a grey damp Tuesday morning and when the early morning mist turned to heavy drizzle, Molly and Danny adjourned their writing session and took a coffee break. 

As Molly poured the coffee Danny said

“It’s St Andrews Day next week”

“Yes, I know”

“But do you know what that means?” he asked

“Erm no” she replied doubtfully

“I’ll give you a clue” he said “Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium”

“We’re going to Emmaline’s?” she asked excitedly

“Yes” he replied

“Oh goodie, I like Sharpington” Molly said excitedly.

“When can we go?”

“After the weekend” he replied


The following day the drizzle had given way to strong winds and persistent rain which kept everyone indoors for the rest of the week, at least all of those who didn’t need to venture out.

Natasha Baker was one of the islanders who felt compelled to brave the weather as she still had unfinished business with Oliver Kingham.

So on Friday she drove over to Kingham’s on the pretext of checking on the status of the saddle, as she was just passing.

However fabricated her ploy sounded she was going to run with it and take her chances, but when she got inside Jacqueline told her that Oliver wasn’t in as he’d gone to the mainland.

“Oh botheration” she muttered as she got back in the Landrover.


It had been almost a month since the storm deposited part of a tree through Deborah’s window and having her in the house with him, with her amiable manner, wicked sense of humour, joyous infectious laughter and the divine smell of her scent in his nostrils was both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing for all of the above and a curse, because living with her and wanting her so badly was absolute torture.

The last weekend in November they were both off duty, and ordinarily they would get out on one of their walks but with the weather being so bad they were confined to the house.

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