Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (127) Love Letter’s


Correspondence continued between Jade Bargeron and Matt Deighton until the first week in September when Matt returned home.

His first port of call on Friday, after dumping his bags in his room was the Galleon and when he approached the shop, he looked through the window and sighed when he saw Jade.

She hadn’t seen him as she was serving another customer and he stared, mesmerised by her loveliness as he drank in the picture.

It was the thought of seeing her looking like that, which had got him through the training.

He pushed open the door and the little bell rang which caused her to throw a glance at the door.

There was a moment of hesitation and then the comprehension of what she was seeing spread across her face and she smiled.

“I’ll be with you in a moment sir” she said and went behind the counter.

Matt sat down at his normal table where he could keep Jade in full view as she finished serving a table of middle-aged women.

Jade turned around and walked to his table, but kept her eyes averted in case she gave away just how much she had missed him.

She had not wanted to miss him, Jade had not even intended going out with him, he was older than her for a start, but then she hadn’t intended to go out with anyone, she didn’t think she was ready to have a serious boyfriend.

But she did go out with him, and she really did miss him.

His love emails to her were wonderful, she would keep them forever, but he was there in the Coffee Shop in the flesh.


Lynn kept her eyes down until the very last second, determined to maintain her composure.

But as soon as her eyes met his she turned to jelly.

“Hello” she said soppily

“Hi” he said grinning like a half wit

“What can I get you” she asked desperately trying to keep her cool.

“A kiss” he whispered

“That’s not on our menu” she said and giggled

“I’ll get you a Coffee, for now” then she blushed at her forwardness.


Matt waited outside for her until closing time and walked her home, the long way round.

“Can I see you tonight?” Matt asked

“I can’t tonight” she replied “I have choir practice”

“Oh” he said

“But it’s my day off tomorrow” Jade said “we could do something then”

“That would be great” he said

“I was going to go shopping in St Pierre” she said “we could go to the pictures after that if you like”

“I don’t care what we do as long as I’m with you” he replied and then he got his kiss.

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