Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (103) The Wedding


Arielle stayed the night at Cliff Haven and got ready for  the wedding there and when it was time to go, Molly entered the room and said excitedly

“Your carriage has arrived”

Arielle hurriedly left the room and as soon as she got outside, she gasped

“It’s beautiful!” Arielle said

“It’s absolutely gorgeous”

“Isn’t it” agreed Molly

The thing they were so enraptured by was a small two-wheeled horse-drawn cart with a small tub body decorated with flowers and inside were two opposite inward-facing seats, it was known as a Governess Cart, Danny had borrowed from Woodside Farm.

It was pulled by a heavy-set white horse and by the horse’s head was stable girl Lisa Scott wearing a tweed hacking jacket and jodhpurs and riding boots.  

“Climb aboard” Lisa said

There was a small, hinged door at the back with a step below George opened the door and Arielle got in first, then Molly and finally George himself.

“We’ll see you there” Danny said and closed the door and then nodded to Lisa.

“Walk on boy” she said, and the horse and cart moved off.


It took less than ten minutes for Lisa to lead the Horse and Trap down the hill and along Church Lane to the Church.

George and Molly were chattering away the whole trip, but Arielle didn’t hear a word as she was lost in the magic of it all, she was so happy.

When they reached St Clara’s Lisa halted the cart where the other bridesmaids were waiting.


The church was full to overflowing, such was her popularity not merely in the village but across the island and it was a wonderful ceremony and afterwards, even those who didn’t attend the Church waved her off as she and Harry left the Church in a 1930 Bentley Speed Six.


The reception was being held at the Beaumont Manor, which was Molly’s wedding present to them along with the wedding night in the Bridal Suite, the Bentley was Danny’s contribution.


One of the Wedding Guests was Max Parsons and in order to prevent him from pestering them about the latest chapters, which were well overdue, Molly made sure they were seated out of earshot, so he was as far away as possible and was seated next to St Clara’s Headteacher Margaret Johnson and the striking thirty eight year old redhead kept his attention throughout the reception and beyond, because Danny and Molly saw him sheepishly leaving her room the next morning as they were heading to the restaurant for breakfast.


They were laughing as they headed downstairs because they had seen him, but he hadn’t seen them, then Molly suddenly stopped and said with alarm.

“If they become a thing, he might come to the island more often”

“Yes, but he’ll be coming to see the busty redhead, not us” he reassured her, and suitably comforted she thoroughly enjoyed her full English.


They stayed at the Hotel long enough to see Arielle and Harry off then they drove home with their wedding clothes and got back just in time to hear Henry Noble deliver his first sermon, then after lunch they both dozed off in front of the TV.

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