Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (065) Girl Friday


At the same time Debbie was reversing into Daryn’s car

Franci Liebenberg and Amelia Williamson were walking into St Clara’s Church where Danny, Molly and the Vicar were already seated in the pews.

“Morning” Franci said

“Good Morning,” Molly said, “How did you get on?”

“I think you’d better Judge for yourself” Amelia replied and presented Molly with a comprehensive report on the condition of the 12 Church Lane Cottages.

“But they haven't had a single basic maintenance visit from the agents, and when they have an issue, they are slow to respond, if at all, and the external decoration is probably 10 years overdue”

“Then, there is penetrating damp due to poorly maintained guttering” Franci added

“But it's all documented” Amelia said 

“This is very impressive” Molly said as she looked through the dossier

“And it looks like we need new agents”

“Unfortunately, Brown and Leigh are the only agents on the island”

“We'll see about that” Molly said

“Well, I need to get back to meet the Building Inspector” Franci said

“Ok thanks” Molly said

“So what would you do first?” Danny asked Amelia

“There is a detailed schedule in here” she said handing Molly another dossier

“I need to get back to work as well”

“Thanks Amelia, this is really impressive” Molly said

“What do you think?” the Vicar asked  

“I think we've found our Friday” Danny said

“Your what now?” the Vicar asked

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