Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (097) The Beaumont’s BBQ


Victoria Pullen had more to drink than she really should have the night after dinner with Harold and decided to forgo breakfast, she’d just have to double up the next day when she wouldn’t be hung over.

Harold on the other hand rose bright and early to open the shop, although the brightness was turned down a bit.


At St Clara’s the Banns were read for Arielle and Harry’s wedding.

Banns need to be read in the parish where each of them lives as well as the Church in which you are to be married, in their case both locations were the same, and Banns must be read out in Church for three Sundays during the three months before the wedding.


The Beaumont family had once owned the whole island but after three successive heirs were killed in action during the Great War the accumulated death duties forced the only surviving Beamont, George, to sell off the estate in 1920, auctioning off the buildings, the port, and parcels of land.

Fortunately, the sale managed to raise enough to pay off the taxman, while being able to keep Woodside Farm and retain a Beaumont family presence on the island.


It was that event that was celebrated on the last weekend in May every year.

There was a dinner party on Saturday night with a few houseguests and a BBQ on the Sunday for about twenty additional guests and amongst those were Molly and Danny, who took along Victoria and Elisa.


Woodside was the largest of the five farms on the island covering the whole of the southeast corner, a large wedge-shaped parcel of land bordered by Halfway Lane to the north, Spanish River and the Eagles Crag in the west and the rugged coastline from Manor Cliff Beach to Armada Head to the east.


During the BBQ Elisa Ghelardoni chatted with one of the stable girls, Lisa Scott, and expressed her love of horses and Lisa kindly offered to give her a tour of the stables.

While Victoria struck up a conversation with Deborah Woodward and the conversation inevitably turned toward medical matters.

Although she was working in Colorado Springs when she began caring for Sir Avery Arnold she was born in Denver, and had nursed all over the state, and she talked at length about her Nursing career.

“We could really use someone with your skill set  at Bellevue”  Deborah said

“I’ve never worked outside the States” Victoria said

“That’s not a problem”

“Do you think I’d have a chance?” Victoria asked

“Well speaking as Chief of Medicine” she replied “I think you might, pop in and see me and I’ll show you around”

“It sounds interesting, but where would I live? I can’t impose on Molly indefinitely” she said

“Well there is accommodation available for staff who need it” Deborah replied

“That’s food for thought” she said “But I’m going to be away for the next week”

“Well think about it while you’re away and if you’re interested give me a call” she said and wrote her number on a scrap of paper from her bag.

“Thank you” Victoria said


“What was that all about?” Molly asked

“I think she just offered me a job” Victoria replied

“Wow that’s great”

“I didn’t come here looking for a job” She said “And I don’t live here, I don’t have anywhere to live here, it’s a nonstarter”

“Somewhere to live isn’t an issue” Molly pointed out

“I can’t be living with you and getting in yours and Danny’s way” Victoria said forcefully

“I was thinking of one of the newly renovated places” Molly explained

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