Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (147) The Engagement Party


After the Guy Fawkes weekend it was time to get back to writing, and after their Italian adventure they had plenty of ideas to weave into their story, which kept them gainfully employed right through to the weekend.


On Saturday night they were invited to a party at the Beaumont Manor to celebrate Church Warden Howard Nelson’s engagement to Architect Carolyn Livingston.

It was a big function as they were both in their forties and had a lot of friends on the island.

The party guests were a mixed bunch of the Godly and the heathen, the old and the young, the sublime and the ridiculous.


Among the guests were Dale and Mark Power who worked at their dad’s Blacksmiths business on Roman Road, and they were standing by the bar when the girls from Woodside Farm arrived.

Michelle Kendal, April Portnall and Eden Hills all worked at the Woodside Farm stables in one capacity or another and were all in their twenties. 

Michelle was five feet two with brunette hair and an olive complexion and her friend, April, was an inch shorter with Jet-black hair and alabaster skin, and the third girl Eden who was a new arrival to the farm, was five feet eight and was completely bald, and they were followed in by Horse Breeder Natasha Baker.


The only one of the groups that Dale didn’t know was Eden. who was the youngest by a few years and was only in her early twenties, and he thought she was remarkably striking because she was not only bald but also appeared to be completely devoid of any hair at all, no eyebrows, arm hair and he couldn’t help wondering if there was nothing down there as well.

Obviously curious as to how or why and he thought he might ask her later once the booze began to flow, not necessarily about “down there” but if she were to volunteer the information he wouldn’t mind.


Also attending the party were Blake Ramsey and Emma Jane Ratcliffe.

Anyone who looked closely at Emma Jane Ratcliffe couldn’t help but see why she was one of the most popular girls at school.

Her Elphin face had a shape and symmetry that was easy on the eye and her figure was to die for.

Although there were girls who were more classically beautiful, they didn’t have any of the character of Emma Jane’s.

Her silky red hair shone and shimmered as she moved her head and her brown eyes bore into your soul when you met their gaze.

As if her unique beauty was not enough, she was also athletic, artistic, intelligent and sexy.

Everyone, boy or girl, that ever met her fell instantly in love with her.
But Blake had been in love with her since before she blossomed.

Despite all the attention though Emma Jane managed to keep everyone of the suitors at bay which led to the rumour that she played for the other side.

Blake never believed that for a moment and he had known her longer than anyone, because Emma Jane Ratcliffe was the girl next door and she had lived there since she was three and they had been best friends since the beginning, but they were never more than that.


While Dale was musing about Eden’s nether regions, Saddle maker Oliver Kingham’s eye, as always, was turned on Natasha Baker.

On the farm she always wore jodhpurs and boots but that night she was wearing a dress and high heels.

As she was not used to such footwear, when she walked, they forced her to lean forward from the waist and as a consequence she thrust her buttocks out behind her which he thought was rather delicious.


It was a good night and there was a lot of laughing, drinking and dancing during the evening, but it was quite loud and wasn’t the ideal place for chatting, although  connections were made, but at the end of the evening, they went their separate ways.  

Some of the guests were staying the night but most were either picked up or shared taxis.


While he was waiting his turn in reception, he watched Eden get in a taxi with some friends and Dale said


“What’s wrong?” Asked Michelle

“I never did ask Eden why she was bald” he replied

“She fell out of a tree when she was six” she stated

“Oh” he responded and was about to speak when Michelle interrupted

“And she’s bald down there as well”

“I wasn’t going to ask that” he protested

“But you were curious though, weren’t you” she continued, and Dale nodded.

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