Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (153) The Pickup


Stacey Jackson went to the University of Downshire where she did Geography in Abbottsford and it was for her, like many girls of her age, a life-defining time.

She was in halls for the first year and she shared with three other girls from Beaumont Island, curvy redhead Poppy Nunthorpe, Paige Chapman, a skinny flat chested girl, who was beautiful but painfully shy and Nicole Wilson a quiet busty brunette.

All four of the girls were studying different subjects, but their strong friendship resulted from their shared history as islanders, and as they got on so well the four of them decided very early on to rent a house between them for the second and third years.


Stacey was five foot nine, tall, beautiful and kindly with bobbed brunette hair, and hazel eyes, a lovely smile and a slender figure and she lived at Crag Edge Farm which is the smallest of the five farms on the island, on the west of the island bordered in the east by Roman Road and Halfway Lane to the south.


Sunday was a filthy wet day as Stacey drove through Saxvirdan and she spotted Dennis Simmons at the bus stop, he was tucked into one corner, and she wouldn’t have recognised him, had she not already known he was there.

She sounded the horn and stopped in the bus bay before lowering the window.

“Happy Birthday!” she called

“Oh!” he exclaimed “Thank you”

“Do you want a lift?” he asked

“No thanks I’m waiting for Tyler” he replied

“Well how about getting in and keeping dry” she suggested

“Yes please” he said smiling broadly and quickly got in the car.

“Where are you going?” Stacey asked “on such a miserable day”

“I don’t know” he replied, “It’s a surprise, Tyler’s organised something and said to meet him at the bus stop”

“I see, well how about I keep you company until you get your surprise” she offered

“Cool” he said and smiled


They sat in the car for about twenty minutes chatting and laughing before he said

“Where has he got to?”

“He’s at the Cherry Blossom” she replied

“What’s he doing there?” he asked

“He’s on a date with Poppy” she replied enigmatically “Well I suppose you might say it’s a double date”

“A date?” Dennis exclaimed

“He’s on a date with Poppy? Why?”

And then he added

“Who are the other couple?”

“I was hoping you’d ask me that” Stacey said and then waited

“Well tell me who it is then” he said with as much interest as he could muster

“Us” she said and then there was silence for a full minute as he processed the information, and he replied

“Say that again”

“Us” she repeated “We are the other couple”

“We are?”

“Yes, does that meet with your approval?” Stacey asked

“Oh yes” he replied with a chuckle

“Good” she said as she put her arm around him “Do you want your Birthday present now?”

“Is it a kiss?” he asked hopefully

“It is” she replied, “Happy Birthday” and put her lips to his and after a long five-minute embrace they came up for air and she said

“We’d better get going, they’ll be wondering where we’ve got to”

“No not yet” he said with alarm “I’d like another one of those Birthday presents first”


After fulfilling his Birthday request, and several subsequent ones, they arrived at the Cherry Blossom half an hour later.

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