Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (139) Birthday Salutations


On Thursday evening Molly and Danny returned to the island in time for her 24th birthday the next day and were on the last ferry of the day and drove through the rain to Spaniards Creek and had an early night.


They rose late the next morning and after serving her breakfast in bed he wished her happy birthday again and so they were even later rising, so much so that she didn’t have time to open her presents from Danny before they had to leave for the Orangery.

When they arrived at the Beaumont Manor, George, Katie, Sam and Nikki were already at the table and Arielle and Harry joined them shortly afterwards.


After the usual birthday salutations Katie asked

“So what wonderful present did he get you this time?”

“Whatever it was, he didn’t get it from me” Sam Archer said

“I haven’t had chance to open my presents yet” she replied, and Katie raised an eyebrow

“But he did give me this” Molly added extended her left hand for them to see the ring, and after the squeals and congratulations had died down the engagement was all they wanted to talk about.


She did get to open her presents later that day but there were more birthday and engagement celebration with friends over the weekend.

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