Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (101) Decision’s


Bank Holiday Monday was Molly and Danny’s last full day before their guests returned so they made the most of it, it was an inclement day, so they put all their effort into enjoying the day and enjoying each other.

As it turned out they got to do it all again on Tuesday because for a variety of reasons they weren’t going to get the ferry until Wednesday morning and the rest of that day was taken up with Victoria and Elisa telling them every detail of their trip which Molly and Danny enjoyed immensely but the following day in complete contrast, they were very quiet and restful.


Friday was Victoria’s 40th birthday and they were taking her to the Orangery at the Beaumont Manor for dinner and they were being joined by Katie and Nikki Harrison, George Wood, the Vicar, Arielle Nicholas and Harry and Sam Archer.

But just after lunch Harold Jardine paid her a visit and after being invited in, he said   

“I know you're busy tonight, but I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and give you a little gift”

Victoria smiled at his embarrassed fidgeting as she unwrapped the present,

“Oh how thoughtful,” she said, “they’re my favourites”.

“I know, I had help” he said, and their eyes met for the first time

“I hope you enjoy them”

And as he turned to walk away it was her turn to blush.

“Thank you” she said and kissed his cheek

“Well I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of the day and I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Ok bye Harold”


“Tomorrow?” Molly asked after he’d gone

“Yes, he’s taking me to dinner tomorrow night” she replied

“For a birthday meal”

“And I suppose it isn’t a date” Elisa commented

“Oh no this one is definitely a date” Victoria replied


On Saturday evening Harold knocked on the door of Cliff Haven and then he and Victoria got in the waiting taxi and travelled to St Pierre, and once they got out, he said

“I booked a table at The Gondolier”

“Is that ok?”

“Absolutely” she replied


During dinner she told Harold about the job offer at the Bellevue

“You might stay on Beaumont?” he asked hopefully

“Possibly, I’m not sure” she replied undecidedly

“Have you done the pros and cons?”

“I have” Victoria confirmed


“Nearly all pros”

“What are the cons?” Harold asked

“Well firstly, I have a life in Colorado, which isn’t a deal breaker, but I have an apartment, such as it is” she explained “And the other one is I don’t have anywhere to live, I can’t stay at Molly’s long term”

“Well I can’t help to resolve the first, but the second one is a different matter, I have a flat over the shop in Spaniards Creek that you could rent” he said   


Straight after the Sunday service at St Clara’s and the third reading of the banns, Victoria changed her clothes and shoes and took herself off for walk to clear her mind and think about her future.

Victoria’s favourite walk was beside the Spanish River, but she was not alone in that, but that day she needed to be alone, so she walked in the direction of Beacon Rock so she could think.

Although she had an apartment in Colorado Springs, she had no roots put down anywhere, no family or close friends, no husband or lover, and no contracts to fulfil, so she was free to make the move almost immediately.

Since she’d been on the island, she had experienced feelings she had never had before, she actually felt part of the place, she felt like she belonged, but was she suffering a delusion.

She sat down on a rock beside a stream and as she listened to the babbling of the water she said

Doctor Woodward said the hospital have accommodation available, Molly said I can have one of the renovated properties and Harold said I can rent the flat above his shop, so I’m not deluded, they really want me to stay.”


The next day Victoria phoned Chief of Medicine, Deborah Woodward and said that she was interested in working for her, and later that day they had a formal interview, which lasted several hours.

As a result she was booked on a flight back to Colorado on Wednesday to clear out her apartment and to arrange for her belongings to be shipped to the UK.

She rented a furnished apartment and because of the nature of her work she didn’t have a lot of belongings, there were some items she had inherited from her parents and a few precious items that had been gifted to her from her patient’s grateful family members.

She spent a day sorting through her drawers and closets donating the majority of them to Goodwill and packed the rest into suitcases.

Molly had recommended Here, There & Everywhere Domestic and Business Removals as she had used them when they were leaving the states, so she contacted them before she left and they gave her the details of their US agent, so that was who she used.

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