Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (087) Holy Weekend


Maundy Thursday is the day when Christians remember the Last Supper, when Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples before being betrayed and arrested in the garden of Gethsemane.

When Molly last met with the solicitors, she discussed the good causes fund that her grandfather set up on her behalf and she thought it was appropriate to make her first donations on Maundy Thursday. 


To commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, a special service was held throughout the Christian World on Good Friday, and St Clara’s was no exception, and it was a special day for Arielle, and Molly was ever present. 


Molly had a difficult and emotional week as she had been completing the paperwork on her grandfather’s repatriation, so on Holy Saturday Molly attended the vigil and spent the time in God’s presence to clear her mind.


Easter Sunday or Easter Day is the most important day of the year for Christians  when they celebrate “the Resurrection”, when after being killed on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead, and defeated evil forever, there are no bigger days in the Christian calendar.

Arielle captivated the large congregation on her most important service of the year with a spellbinding sermon.


Spiritually refreshed after the Holy weekend Danny and Molly spent a miserably wet Easter Monday enjoying a movie marathon.

Because on Tuesday it was “putting pen to paper” time again.


After their lazy and vegetative Bank Holiday Monday they rose bright and early on Tuesday morning and after breakfast they started work.

Since they completed the last book, they had both been making independent notes and suggestions for the new Sharon Jacques book, so first on the agenda was comparing notes.

They had both had similar thoughts on plot, but they had also both gone off on different tangents and the whole process of bouncing off each other, meant that before they knew it, it was the weekend again. 


Kevin Holland and Marion Monaghan had put a stop to their respective cradle snatching relationships and put their hopes in something more age appropriate and eventually their wishes were answered.

That weekend was the first one Kevin had off since January and now he had found Marion he was going to make the most of it.


Also making the most of the weekend were fifty-three-year-old Audiologist Anna Turnbull and fifty-five-year-old farmer Duncan Wilson who were sharing an intimate time on Roman Water Farm, before his parents returned from their holiday and his children arrived home from university.

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