Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (121) Helping Sheridan


Sheridan Tilbrook was only 18, shy, naïve and sweet natured, despite everything life had thrown at her, and she was all alone in a world she didn’t really understand.

She had been raised by a bitter, mean spirited and domineering mother.

Her father had deserted them when she was a baby and her mother blamed Sheridan for that and made her life a misery.

But following her mother’s death she was free and living in the Saxvirdan cottage in which her mother kept her imprisoned, but there was only a little money, so she had to work if she wanted to stay there, and that was a problem she was ill equipped to solve.


It was Maria Jenkins, who came to her rescue, she lived in Saxvirdan and knew her mother, through her work as a mobile hairdresser.

She asked around some of her clients she broached the subject with some of them about full time or part time work for Sheridan, and she got several opportunities for her so on a hot August Day she went in search of her and tracked her sitting on the bank of Roman Water dangling her naked feet in the water.

“Hello, you” Maria said startling her.

“You made me jump” she said and giggled.

“What are you up to?” Maria asked.

“Nothing as usual” she replied glumly.

“Just as well I’ve found some work for you.”

“Really?” she said excitedly.

“You’re not just winding me up,” she continued, obviously used to being let down.

“No, I’m serious”

Sheridan turned away from her and Maria could tell the way her shoulders were moving that she was crying.

“Well come on then” she said, “Get your shoes on.”

“They’re waiting for you.”

“What now?” She said wiping her face on her sleeve and nearly falling into the Lake, then she threw her arms around her.

“Thanks Maria”

Then she sat down again, and Maria handed her some tissues, which she gave a double take at, not knowing whether to dry her eyes or her feet so she did both in the end, eyes first.

As they walked back into Saxvirdan Maria filled her in with what odd bits of work she had found for her so far, it was not much, some cleaning, shelf stacking, gardening and the first was at Woodside Farm.

“But the rest is up to you” she said.

“I won’t let you down Maria, I promise.”


Maria drove her down to Woodside Farm and parked by the stables.

“This one is only temporary because of the girls is ill but if you work hard, I’m sure they’ll use you again, now go inside and ask for Natasha.”

She got out of the car stood up straight and gave her a wonky smile.

“What if she doesn’t like me?” She said nervously.

Marie got out of the car, wiped the last remnants of her tears away and took her inside to meet Natasha.

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