Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (096) Solution’s and Thank You’s


On Thursday Molly got word from Adam Jandrell that work would begin on the Church Lane Cottages at the end of June and St Clara's the first week in July and the scaffolding would go up the week before and the work was expected to be finished before Christmas but that was dependent on what the found once they got started.

Molly then phoned Arielle because she knew that the news might affect her personal plans, and she was right because the moment she hung up the call with Molly she phoned Harry and told him the news and then she started crying.

Harry rushed straight round to the vicarage and found her sitting in her armchair sobbing.

“What’s the matter?”

“The photos will be ruined” she replied and broke down again.

The gist of the problem was that they had been talking about a September wedding, and now the Church was going to covered with scaffolding and the grounds would look like a building site.

“Well the solution is perfectly simple” he said

“What is it?”

“We get married before the scaff goes up”

“And you would be ok with that?” she asked “Getting married before September”

“Of course” he replied “I'd marry you today if it was possible”

Arielle threw her arms around him a cried happy tear.


On Friday Molly and Elisa went to St Pierre to get Victorias hair done.

“I don’t need my hair doing” she protested

“You need to look your best for your date” Elisa said

“It’s not a date”

“It really is” Molly retorted

“It’s just a thank you dinner” Victoria insisted

“Date” Molly retorted

“She might have a point” Elisa said

“How’s that?”

“Well I know it’s been a while for me, but aren’t you supposed to have the date first and then see them naked?”


The Vicar meanwhile was in the Church checking the diary for a suitable date in June for the wedding, but the only available Saturday was the 24th and that could be cutting it a little fine, so she left the Church and made her way down to the Spanish River and had a conversation with Adam Jandrell, and he reassured her that the scaffolding would not be erected before Monday the 26th.


Victoria was walking along the quayside on Saturday afternoon just as the passengers were disembarking from the Water Taxi and one of them was Harold Jardine she said

“Hello Mr Jardine”

“Oh hello” he said as he met her gaze,

“But we should be on first name terms, after all you’ve seen me naked”

“Well I’ve seen a lot of men naked” she said

“Oh dear, that didn’t come out right”

They both laughed and agreed on Harold and Victoria before they went their separate ways.


Victoria made her way back to Cliff Haven and thought they would have a very pleasant evening, but she was not thinking it was a date.

She wasn’t looking for a relationship because she didn’t know if she’d be on the island in a weeks’ time, but she was happy enough to have dinner with someone with a sense of humour.


Harrold was also looking forward to the evening and he didn’t think of it as anything more than dinner to show his gratitude to a good Samaritan.

He certainly had no thought of dating, he was in his early forties and thought of his dating days well and truly in the past, but he had no other expectations than that.       


Later that evening he knocked on the door of Cliff Haven and then he and Victoria got in the waiting taxi and travelled to St Pierre, and once they got out, he asked

“The Cherry Blossom or The Gondolier?”

“Is that some sort of code?” she asked

“Chinese or Italian?”

“Well I like both” she replied “But I’m really in the mood for Chinese”

“Chinese it is then” he said and smiled

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