Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (115) Platonic Doctors

Thursday the woodworm treatment was completed, and all the residents were back in their homes with no ill effects apart from some indigestion due to the rich food.


By the end of August, Elisa and Henry were casting their net further afield with regular outings on the Water Taxi to the neighbouring island of St Giles du Cabot.


Saturday was another crazy day at the Gilbert, luckily Caroline had put on more staff to allow her to escape for a couple of hours to have lunch with Austin across the square, and that was their first lunch date, but there was no repeat of the New Years Eve Snogging.


GP Stuart Cameron had been something of a womaniser in his younger days and wasn’t particularly discerning and went for quantity over quality, but he changed after a near miss at a party with an underage girl.

His epiphany with the young girl took him by surprise, the girl was acting under the influence of two much wine on an empty stomach, but for that to stop him would have been totally out of character, but something did stop him.
What scared him was if she had offered it to him on another day he might not have been so strong.
It became a turning point in his life, but he couldn’t shake off his past, his reputation followed him and relationships became impossible, his reputation always got in his way, and no one would accept that he had turned over a new leaf, so he decided to go somewhere that he was unknown, change his career and become a GP.

Which was how he ended up on Beaumont island and it suited him because the likelihood of meeting anyone he knew or one of his past conquests was very unlikely.

He was doing very well for the first six months but then he met Thirty-eight-year-old Dr Deborah Woodward who had accepted the position of Chief of Medicine at the Bellevue Cottage Hospital because she wanted a change of pace and Stuart liked the tall jovial Doctor, with her abundance of brunette hair and an infectious laugh.

They both lived in Manor Row, which was made up of a dozen, one-and two-bedroom cottages, for the exclusive use of essential hospital staff, Deborah lived at number 6 he lived only a few doors away at number 10 and when they met Deborah liked the look of him.


They became friends and spent time walking together, shopping together and even meals out together but nothing more.

Deborah really liked him, but he had told her about his past, in glorious technicolour and didn’t hide anything even the underage girl, so she understood his position, but she noticed the way he looked at her, so she had hope, but she respected his position, and played the long game.

So they kept up the recreational pursuits, the joint shopping trips and meals together.


A busy and varied July came to a somewhat benign end and drifted seamlessly into August.  

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