Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (002) Meeting the Great Man


When the orderly pushed him into the room Danny got his first look at the famous industrialist and financier and he was shocked to see how pale and frail he looked.

It had been a few years since he was seen in public, and he was a shadow of the man he had expected to see.

It would have been simpler to list the ailments he didn’t suffer from than those that he had, but the thing that brought him to hospital on that occasion was a mild heart attack, and not his first.

“Ah Mr. Nightingale thank you for coming” said Sir Avery in a stronger voice than his physical appearance suggested and offering his hand.

“My pleasure Sir, and please call me Danny” he responded shaking his hand, which was equally strong.

“In which case Danny, I insist you drop the Sir and call me Avery.”


“Good, now how are you doing my boy, are you on the mend?” he asked.

“Well, I think I’ve turned a corner” Danny replied, “And how about you?”

“Well for me the corner is unattainable” Avery said, “In truth, I am paying the price for a life well lived, but if I do what I’m told by the Doctors and my Granddaughter, I should be around long enough to get my affairs in order.”

“I’m sorry to hear that” Danny said then after a momentary silence he added.

“I was flattered, and more than a little curious to get your…. Invitation, I would never have pegged you as a Crime fiction kind of man.”

Sir Avery responded by way of a throaty chuckle.

“Quite right, quite right, it’s my Granddaughter Molly who’s the fan, she’s a little shy so she would never have spoken to you directly.”

“Oh, I see,” he said while looking around.

“She’s running an errand” he said in answer to the unasked question, “She’ll be back within the hour, we’ll just have to pass the time in conversation until she arrives.”

“Or we could play chess” Danny suggested as he spotted a fully populated chessboard on the tray table beside the bed.

“You play?”

“I do” he replied.

“Do you like to win?” Avery asked earnestly.

“Of course,”

“Good, Molly lets me win sometimes because she feels sorry for me” he said and laughed.


They spent a very pleasant hour and a half playing and talking, although when he thought about it later it was more like he was fielding questions in a very low-key interrogation.

“So where are you from, originally?” Avery asked.

“A village called Applesford in Downshire” Danny replied and took his bishop.

“Really? I am a Downshire boy myself, Spaniards Creek on Beaumont Island” he responded proudly.

“It’s true what they say then, it really is a small world” Danny said and took Avery’s rook, “Checkmate.”

“Well played my boy” he said and chuckled just as the door opened and a tall redheaded girl walked in, with her eyes fixed firmly on the floor.

“Ah Molly, come and say hello to Danny, he’s from Downshire” he said.

“Applesford,” Molly said quietly, and they both looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“I googled.” Said Molly.

“Come and sit down and say hello” Avery gestured to her.

“Danny Nightingale, this is my Granddaughter Molly.”

“It’s lovely to meet you” Danny said, “I understand you like my books.”

“Yes, very much” she quietly replied.

“I will happily sign a copy of my latest as soon as I can hold a pen” he said, and she smiled which seemed to put her at her ease and relax her because then she asked in a much more confident voice.

“Have you started the next book yet?”

“Kind of, I have an outline, but that’s as far as I’ve got and I won’t get any further if I don’t find what’s left of my car, and more importantly what was in it, suitcase, laptop, notes and everything else besides” he said.


They continued chatting for almost another hour when he noticed that Sir Avery was starting to look tired, so he said.

“Well, I really think I’ve taken up more than enough of your time, could you ring for an orderly and I’ll leave you in peace.”

“I can push you back” Molly offered boldly.

“If that’s ok” he said, “I would greatly appreciate it.”

“That’s a good idea Molly” Avery said, “Now you will come again, won’t you? tomorrow if you’re up to it.”

“I’d like that” he said.


Danny’s room was only a short walk of twenty yards away and when they were halfway, Molly said.

“I can help if you like.”

“With what?”

“Finding your car,” she replied, “and your laptop and things.”

“You don’t have to do that” Danny said.

“I don’t mind” Molly replied as she pushed him into his room “I have plenty of time on my hands.”

“Well, if you’re sure” Danny said.

“That would be very helpful.”

He got up out of the chair and rummaged in the bedside locker and fished out an envelope, which contained the hire car details, a business card from one of the officers who attended the scene and a copy of his driver’s license.

“That’s all I have I’m afraid” he said.

“I think that should be more than enough.” Molly said.

“Thanks Molly”


The next day Danny played chess with Sir Avery again and stayed with him for about three hours until he became weary, he enjoyed the game, but there was not a sign of Molly, and he found he was disappointed by that.

But at 7 o’clock that evening just as he was finishing his Jell-O, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” he called.

The door opened and Molly walked in pushing his suitcase in front of her and she was followed in turn by a uniformed chauffeur carrying an assortment of bags.

“You got everything” he said with amazement.

“Well George did” she admitted.

“She did everything else though” George Wood pointed out.

“Well thank you both very much” he said and grinned as he tried to open the laptop bag.

“I’ll wait in the lounge Molly” George said, “Good night, Sir.”

“Good night, George, and thank you again and call me Danny.”

Molly watched Danny struggle with the laptop bag for a full minute before she intervened and took the bag from him and took out the laptop.

“Bloody hell, if I can’t get it out the bag, how the hell am I going to use the damn thing?” he said angrily. “And I can’t even write notes because of this.”

“How long do you have to keep it on?” Molly asked.

“Another 5 weeks” he replied. “I’ll go insane by then, I have so much rattling around in my head and I can’t get it out.”

Molly didn’t respond, she just opened the laptop then turned it towards Danny’s face to unlock it.

Once she was in, she opened Word and clicked on “Dictate” then turned it back towards him.

“Now all you have to do is talk.”

“I don’t often use the “Dictate” function” he admitted.

“I don’t annunciate properly when I’m in full flow.” 

“It will type most of what you say, even if it doesn’t get everything right, I can help you edit it tomorrow” she said, “Just concentrate on emptying your head for tonight.”

“Good idea, thanks Molly”


The next morning Molly knocked on the door again.

“Good morning, how did you get on?”

“Morning Molly, not bad I got a lot out of my head but it’s a bit gobbledygookish.”

Danny said.

“Is that even a word?” she asked.

“It is now”

“Well, you might find this of more use, I brought it from home” she said.

“A Dictaphone! that’s perfect.” Danny said, “I can type it up when I have use of my arm again.”

“Or I could type them up” Molly suggested “It’ll probably be quicker.”

“Your grandfather said you were shy.” Danny said.

“I’m not so sure.”

“I’m only shy with strangers and people I don’t like” she retorted and blushed.


Over the next two weeks he split his time equally between dictation, chess with Avery and editing with Molly, and his arm improved every day, and medically there was no real reason for him to be at High Pines, and publisher Max Parsons agreed because it wasn’t cheap and his insurance was only covering a proportion of the bill, but after Danny sent him the first 100 draft pages he said.

“You can have another week, then we’ll talk again.”


However, halfway through that week while playing chess with Avery he suddenly said.

“I’m discharging myself.”

“What about your treatment?” Danny asked.

“I am as well as I’m ever going to get” he said stoically.

“So, I’m going home to die in my own bed.”

“What did Doctor Cole have to say about that?”

“He had a blue fit” Avery replied and chuckled throatily.

“But once he knew I wasn’t about to change my mind we settled on a compromise,”

“Which is?” Danny asked.

“A live in nurse” he replied.

“Very sensible”

“What about you, my boy? Will you return home to Downshire?”

“I don’t think I will just yet, I’m making such great progress with the book, so I don’t want to break my stride and lose my momentum.”

“Where will you go?”

“I’ll get my publisher to splash out on a posh Hotel” Danny said and laughed.

“Nonsense, you don’t want to stay at an impersonal hotel, you must come and stay at the house” Avery insisted.

“I couldn’t possibly impose,” said Danny.

“You won’t be imposing my boy, it’s a big house, by the lake, and very peaceful, especially this time of the year.” He said persuasively.

“And Molly would be disappointed if you don’t come.”

“If not for Molly I would still be trying to extract my laptop from the bag” he said and laughed.

“So, I would be delighted to accept your invitation.”

“Excellent, excellent” he exclaimed and shook his hand.

“Have you told Molly yet?” Danny asked.

“No, I haven’t, I was waiting until I could use the news of your presence at the house to soften the blow” he replied and chuckled again, and Danny knew he’d been played.


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