Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (005) Divine Intervention


At the same time Joshua Beaumont was leaving the Shaw Brothers office in St Pierre his twin brother Ben was driving the 3.5t Horsebox into the docks in Pipershaven, only to find the Ferry had been cancelled, and he wouldn’t be able get to the island until the next morning.

He was 34 years old and was the younger twin by 3 minutes, they weren’t identical twins, but they were alike enough for strangers to recognize the fact they were siblings.

After confirming that he was booked on the first ferry the next day he parked up on an access road while he figured out what to do next.

Firstly, he phoned his brother, but it went straight to voice mail, so he messaged him instead.

Had he been on his own he would simply have found a local Hotel or B&B for the night, but he wasn’t alone, he had Trojan with him, and he wasn’t going to find a B&B for him.

So, he decided on the Starlight Café halfway between the Expressway and Pepperstock Green.

To the south and east of the Pepperstock Hills National Park there was an extensive tract of magnificent mixed forestry which was rivalled only by the ancient woodland of the Dancingdean Forest, and that is where the village of Pepperstock Green was situated.

The Starlight was a popular greasy spoon with a sizable lorry park attached so it was popular with truckers going to or from the port.


The storm was raging as he drove towards the Expressway, and it showed no sign of abating and being in the horsebox he was getting buffeted by the wind, so he was relieved when he saw the sign for the exit slip.

Half a mile before the slip he was overtaken by one of his favourite cars, a 1978 MG Midget in British Racing Green, which immediately indicated and took the exit.


Ben was glad to be off the motorway and into the shelter of the forest, but the storm was ever present, and he heard a terrifying crash behind him and looking in his mirrors he saw a tree across the road, then about 2 miles along the road he suddenly saw Hazzard lights flashing ahead of him, so slowed down accordingly.

As the lights got brighter and he got closer Ben could see the MG he had admired was half on and half off the road with a fallen tree just ahead of it.

He pulled up behind the car and jumped out and rushed over to the driver’s door and opened it and found a very attractive young woman sitting behind the wheel.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just a bit shaken” she replied and picked up her coffee cup, shook it then discarded it with disgust.

“Come and sit in the van,” he suggested.

“Could you tow me back onto the road? then I can go back the way we came” she asked.

“Theres another tree down a couple of miles behind us I’m afraid” Ben said.

“Damn, oh well I’ll just sit here and wait until help arrives” she said.

“I’ve got coffee” he added.

“Ok you’ve got me” she said and got out of the car while Ben phoned 999 to report the fallen trees.


“I’m Ben by the way” he said as he handed her a coffee.

“Thank you, I’m Tanya.”

“Are you sure you’re ok, you look a little pale” he asked.

“I’m a redhead I’m always pale” she retorted, and they both laughed.


“Drink your coffee I just need to check on the horse.”

“You’ve got a horse on board?” she asked excitedly.

“Can I come too?”

“Sure, if you’re interested.”

“Oh, I’m interested,” she replied, “I’ve been riding since I was 4.”  

“Well, I doubt you’ve ridden anything like Trojan” he said as he opened the door.

“Hello Trojan, old fella” he said as he stepped inside

“Is that a Suffolk Punch?” She asked as she followed him in

“It is” he replied a little impressed “Trojan, meet Tanya, Tanya, meet Trojan.”

“Hello Trojan” Tanya said patting his neck.”


They were in the back of the horsebox for about fifteen minutes and while Ben sorted out Trojan’s feed and water, Tanya fussed the horse.

“You’re right by the way.” She spoke.

“About what?” he asked.

“I’ve never ridden a horse like him.” She replied as they closed the door and left Trojan in peace.


“So where are you taking him” she asked as she climbed back into the cab.

“Well, we were headed for Beaumont Island, but the ferry was cancelled” he said.

“Ah sorry about that” she replied sheepishly and finished her coffee.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I’m Tanya Shaw, it’s my Ferry.”

“That’s ok, I’m Ben Beaumont so it’s my island” he retorted, and they both laughed again.


After getting a lift home, Joshua showered, shaved, and redressed in record time and got to The Beaumont Manor Hotel with ten minutes to spare and after parking the car he walked into reception just in time to see Olivia Shaw walking down the stairs in a borrowed powder blue cocktail dress, black tights, and matching shoes with her shoulder length brunette hair dancing on her shoulders.  

He was speechless and even gulped at the beautiful vision in front of him.

Then Olivia stopped on the bottom step and inclined her head in anticipation.

“Wow!” was all he could manage.

“That is an acceptable response” she said and smiled.

“Shall we?” she added offering her arm.


Ben poured Tanya another coffee and noticed her shiver, so he reached behind the middle seat and fished out a blanket which he handed to her.

“It’s only a horse blanket I’m afraid, but it’s warm.”

“Thank you, I was starting to get chilly” she said gratefully.

“Do you have one for yourself?”

“No, but I’ll be fine?”

“Nonsense” she retorted “We can share.”

Tanya scooted onto the middle seat and spread the blanket over them both.

Then when they were comfortable, she said.

“So, if you were returning to the island, where have you come from?”

“The Veterinary Hospital in Purplemere, Trojan needed an operation, he’s all sorted now though.”

“Is he a working horse?”

“Well, he’s trained in harness, and pulls the dray on special occasions, fete’s and such and the Christmas parade, but his primary purpose is as a stud animal” he explained “As part of a rare breeds program.”

“Lucky boy” she said and smiled.

He went on to explain that Woodside was primarily an arable farm, potatoes mainly but also other root vegetables, but half the business was breeding horses and ponies, rare breeds in particular, heavy horse’s, Cumberland fell ponies and other breeds in danger of extinction.

They also had a Clydesdale Stallion and a Cleveland Mare in foal, hopefully carrying a colt.

“What about riding?” she asked.

“In what way?”

“Do you ever ride?” she clarified.

“Oh yes, not every day, but often”

he replied, “What about you?”

“Not as much as I’d like” she replied.

“Well, maybe we could go riding the next time you’re on the island” he suggested.

“Yes, that would be nice” she agreed.

“Give me your phone then.” He said and she unlocked it so he could enter his number.

“Now you can text me when you’re free.”


Once they were seated at a table and the waiter had taken their order Joshua said

“So, you’re the boss lady.”

“I am” she responded smugly.

“Well, joint boss lady would be more accurate.”


“Yes, since my parents retired my sister Tanya, and I are joint owners.”

She explained,

“So, you could be spending your working week in a plush office rather than on the “high seas”“.

“Where’s the fun in that” she retorted with a chuckle.

Then after a few moments thought she added.

“And I wouldn’t exactly describe Pepperstock Bay as the “high seas”“. 

In response they both dissolved into laughter.


The evening went by very quickly with exceptionally food, a lot more laughter and a glass or two of wine but neither of them mentioned the elephant in the room, the New Years Eve kiss.

Nor did it raise its head during coffee or the accompanying liqueurs or even the nightcap in the bar, although the memory of that magical kiss was never more than a moment from their thoughts.

It was gone midnight when he checked his watch and said, “Sadly I think the time has come for us to say goodnight.”

“It can’t be” she snorted and then checked her watch “Damn it, how did it get that late?”

“Time flies when you’re having fun” he said.

“Well then I think you had better escort me to my cabin” she said and giggled as she got to her feet, only slightly unsteadily.

“My pleasure Admiral” he said offering his arm.

“Oh, I’ve been promoted,” she said putting her arm through his “I started the evening as a salty seadog.”


As it had done all evening, laughter accompanied them all the way as they climbed the stairs to the first floor and along the corridor but when they reached the door to her room, they went silent.

Olivia was smiling as she turned to face him and kissed him gently on the lips, a warm sensitive and tender kiss, and when their lips parted, she smiled at him coyly and flushed a deep shade of pink.

“I’ve wanted to do that all evening” she said, and Joshua kissed her forehead before cupping her flushed cheek in his palm, then he slid his fingers beneath her soft brown hair and caressed the soft downy hair on her nape as he pulled her sweet lips to his and returned her kiss.

Olivia’s arms enveloped him, holding him so close, and so tightly, not wanting to let go, not wanting to lose what they had found and not wanting to lose him again, there were no fireworks this time, but the sparks were in abundance.

They stood locked in their embrace until Olivia pulled away for a moment before burying her face in his neck and sighing softly.

After a minute or so of enjoying the closeness Joshua said

“Wow, that, was very nice.”

“Very wow” she concurred.

“But you know that after we did this the last time my whole world fell apart” he said sadly.

“I’m not going to let that happen again” she said after emerging from his neck and took hold of his hand.

“I let you slip through my fingers once, never again.”

Then she unlocked the door and led him inside.

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