Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (009) A Providential Hand at Work

 Over the first week or so in May there was a circus of Lawyers coming and going from Lakeside as they executed Sir Avery Arnold’s final instructions set about to draught the legal mechanisms and financial instruments essential in creating the trust fund and a codicil to his last will and testament detailing the final disposition of his, not insubstantial, assets.


Not wishing to be constantly reminded of the inevitable, Molly decided to knuckle down and concentrate on helping Danny with the book, largely in silence, so as to avoid and further discussion of the impending death of her beloved Grandfather.


However, before another week was out it became clear that the end was close.

“Thank you, my boy, it was a providential hand that brought you into our lives” Avery said as his bony fingers gripped his hand.

“It was clearly God at work.”

“I can’t argue with that,” Avery said, “It was certainly a blessing.”

Then he turned his attention to his Granddaughter who was on the other side of the bed holding his hand

“I’m sorry Molly.”

“What for?”

“For smothering you.”

“You wrapped me up in love” Molly said and kissed his hand, then he closed his eyes and didn’t speak again.


In the early hours of the morning of May 16th, with Molly and Danny still at his bedside, Sir Avery Arnold passed away quietly in his sleep.

So, Danny comforted Molly, as the nurse, Vicki Pullen, went sympathetically about her unwelcome task.


After the normal formalities and legalities were completed,

there was a small private funeral at St Savior’s Church, outside Colorado Springs, where he was temporarily interred in the crypt where he would reside until arrangements could be made for him to be repatriated to Beaumont Island where he would be buried at St Clara’s in Spaniards Creek with Molly’s parents, Charlotte and John, and her Grandmother Bella.


Following the funeral, the reading of the will took place at the

Arnold residence, Lakeside.

It was not a lengthy proceeding, the bulk of his estate was left in trust to Molly, all the Art in his collection was bequeathed to various museums and institutions, the staff at Lakeside were left generous lump sums, meaning they would never need to work full time again, unless they wanted to, and Lakeside itself along with its remaining furnishings was left to St Savior’s Church, outside Colorado Springs, which made Danny smile.

The remainder were a large number of smaller bequests to a variety of individuals and institutions which were too numerous to mention.

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