Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (012) Shepherd’s Tale

 When he wasn’t at Cliff Haven or sleeping in the van, he was at the village pub, Philips Folly, grabbing a pint and a sandwich or walking in the hills to clear his head and blow the cobwebs away.

It was on one such day, a Sunday, when he set off to get to the famous landmark, Beacon Rock, so called, because a beacon was built on the rock to warn of the impending arrival of the Spanish Armada, but it was never lit, due to the fact that the weather was so bad that the sentry’s couldn’t see past the end of the island let alone see a fleet of ships.

To get to the rock he had to cross the neighboring Beacon Farm, which was the third largest of the five farms on the island, covering an area in the southeast, bordered by the Beacon River in the west, and the Spanish River in the east and the rugged coastline to the south from Beacon Rock to Spaniards Point.

George followed a route close to the cliff edge and then cut inland when he spotted the beacon and was enjoying the peace and solitude, when the peace was shattered by a female voice uttering some very un-lady like phrases, so he walked in the direction of the cursing. 

It didn’t take long to reach the source, which turned out to be a strawberry blonde woman trying to wrestle a trapped ewe out of a brook.

“Do you need a hand” he asked.

“I can manage” she snapped.

“It looks like it” George retorted as he got closer.

“I said I can manage” she barked which was when he realized who it was, Katherine Harrison, a little less vibrancy in hair and a few more lines on her face, but it was clearly her.

“For God’s sake Katie take the damned help when its offered” he said as he stepped in the brook.

“Who the Hell do you…?” she began and looked up at him.

“George Wood?”

“In the flesh” he said.

“Then give me a bloody hand” she snapped.

Once the stubborn ewe was extricated from the stream, they both clambered out after it and sat down on a nearby rocky shelf, while her dog corralled the beast against the rocks.

“How long have you been back on the Island?” she asked between breaths.

“About a month” He replied.

“The last I heard you were in America” Katie said.

“Yes, Colorado mainly” he replied.

“What brought you back?”

“My employer died” He replied solemnly.

“Unemployed then?” she asked.

“No, I’m still employed by the family” he replied.

“That’s a shame, I could have used some extra help.”

“Are you shorthanded then?”

“Yes, Louise is pregnant, with twins, due imminently” she said, “And Neil has a broken collar bone, so Nikki and I are doing everything.”“

Louise was her younger sister; Neil Stratford was her husband and Nicola was her daughter.

“What about Eddie?”

“Eddie?” she asked with surprise.

“He’s been in prison for the last three years.”

“I’m sorry, I hadn’t heard” he said, “What did he do?”

“Armed robbery”


“Yes, Eddie, and two people were killed, not by Eddie, but he was there” She explained “So he won’t be getting out anytime soon.”

“How did he get involved with armed robbers?” 

“No idea” she replied and then after a minute added.

“We weren’t together, we were divorced by then.” 

“Divorced?” he exclaimed, that was very surprising, and remarkably interesting news.

“Anyway, due to the afore mentioned circumstances, I don’t have time to sit around chewing the fat.”

Katie said.

“It was good to see you though.”

“And you” he agreed.

“Where are you staying by the way?”

“Up by Spaniards Point”

“I heard some silly bugger was living in a campervan up by the ruins, is that you?”

“It is” he replied, and she laughed as she walked away.

“If I get any free time I’ll come down and give you a hand.” He called.

“I’ll look forward to it” she called back.

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