Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (018) A New Beginning


On Tuesday morning Danny and Molly woke up with more than the normal excitement they would have expected from waking up in the cottage they had been working on for so long, because they had made love for the first time the night before.

After making love for the second time on that momentous morning, they drifted off to asleep again.

“That was an amazing housewarming” Molly purred as she cuddled up close to him after they eventually awoke again.

“It was amazing full stop” he said putting his arm around her “But it was more than that.”

“What do you mean?” she asked dreamily.

“Well, what I’m trying to say is” he said hesitantly “I love you Molly Barrington”

“I love you too” she replied and kissed him passionately and then they just lay in each other’s arms for about ten minutes until she suddenly rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled a sweater over her head and wriggled into it

Where are you going? I really want to kiss you again.”

“Well, you’ll have to wait until later” Molly said and smiled over her shoulder before adding “We have another Sharon Jacques book to write.”


Best endeavours aside, after an extremely late lunch, they got virtually no writing done to speak of at all, in between all the kissing.

It was during one of their rare canoodling interludes that Danny suddenly exclaimed.

“Oh my God!”

“What? what?” she asked with alarm.

“We have to tell George.”  

“Ohhh” she sighed. “I forgot about George.”

“That’s not easy to do” Danny said, and they both laughed.

6ft 4 Gentle Giant George Wood was 47 years old and had worked for Sir Avery Arnold for 20 years after serving 9 years in the Downshire Light Infantry, and the reason Sir Avery choose him out of all the many applications he received, wasn’t his exemplary military record, or the impeccable references, what made him stand out from the crowd was that he was a fellow Beaumont Islander and he had gone to school with his daughter Charlotte, Molly’s mum.

He had always been in Molly’s life and was like a cross between a big brother, a kindly Uncle, and a bodyguard.

When he was part of the household staff at Lakeside, he always referred to himself as the chauffeur gofer.

“We’ll tell him tomorrow” she said.

“Ok, we’ll walk over to the farm first thing in the morning” he suggested.

“We’d better have an early night then” Molly said and began nibbling his earlobe.


They woke up on Wednesday morning in Molly’s bed but unlike the previous day they didn’t dwell, however much they might have liked to.

They showered, separately, to avoid distraction, then Danny made them bacon and eggs and fresh coffee.

It was a misty morning and there was an autumnal chill in the air and as he and Molly stepped outside, they exchanged a look that said, “I wish we were cuddled up and warm in bed.”

However, once they got going, they soon warmed up and they were laughing and joking.

“Maybe this could be the plot of the new book, a young couple are lured to the countryside and are murdered by the old family retainer.” He said when Beacon Farm came into view.

“Or the tale of a beautiful young maiden coming to terms with the death of her lover at the hands of a psychopathic chauffeur” she suggested.

“Brutal” Danny retorted.


As they walked down the hill, they saw Katie Harrison in the yard.

“Hey Katie” Danny called.

“Hello, you two” she said and smiled, then she kissed them both.

“What brings you here this early?”

“We need to speak to George” Molly replied.

“He’s in the barn, fuelling the quadbike, we’re just about to go out to check the flock.”

“Thanks Katie, we won’t keep him long” Danny said and walked towards the barn.

“Just my luck” Danny said quietly “They have sharp tools in the barn.”

“It’ll be alright,” Molly said, “He won’t kill me.”

“Very reassuring” he said as he opened the barndoor.

George was stood by the quadbike screwing the cap back on to a fuel can and when he saw them, he asked

“What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing’s wrong” Molly replied.

“Well somethings got you outdoors early on a damp autumn morning” George retorted suspiciously as he looked at them, picturing them as a pair of naughty school children outside the headmaster’s office.

“There’s really nothing wrong” Danny assured him.

“But we do have some news” Molly added.

“What kind of news?”

“Well…” Molly began, and George raised his eyebrows.

“We’re an item” Danny blurted out, and they held hands.

George dropped the fuel can and walked towards them and they braced themselves.

“About bloody time” he said, roared with laughter and hugged them both to within an inch of their lives.

“You’re ok with it then?” Molly asked meekly.

“Of course, I’m chuffed” he said but then he gave Danny a menacing look and added.

“But if you hurt her, they’ll never find the body.”

Then he smiled and said

“Let’s go and tell Katie, not that she didn’t guess already, I think she knew before you did.”


There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the farmhouse that morning because Katie’s sister Louise, who had given birth to twins a month earlier at the Bellevue Cottage Hospital, was now home and the babes were already ruling the roost.


“Are you going to stay for a cuppa?” Katie asked after they had shared their news.

“We don’t want to get in the way” Danny replied hoping that Molly would back him up.

“Nonsense, they have babies” Molly said excitedly.


The weather had brightened up considerably by the time they left Beacon Farm, though it was still cold.

“That went well” Molly said, and they held hands as they left the yard heading for home.

“Now we can get back to the book.”

They got quite sweaty trudging back to Cliff Haven, but the cold had got into their bones regardless by the time they got home.

“I’m chilled through” Molly said when they got indoors.

“Have a soak in the bath, that’ll warm you up” Danny suggested “I’m going to the same”


Danny stepped into the bath and immersed himself in the foamy water and the bathroom was good and steamy when he saw the bathroom door open, and the slender figure of Molly Barrington, walk in wrapped in a bath towel.

“Because of climate change it would be irresponsible to run two baths, so I thought it would be more civic minded to share”  

“Well, that sounds like a very sensible idea” he said, and Molly turned her back to him and dropped her towel.

“I’ve never shared a bath before” she said as she stepped in, and her round naked buttocks were only inches from his face.

“I’m glad” he said,

“So am I” she agreed and lowered her cute buttocks into the water between his legs, then loosely tied her hair up to keep it out of the water, and Danny kissed her neck, and she leant back against him, and the hot water lapped up over her breasts.

As they lay stretched out in the bath together, and Molly was laying back against his chest, her breasts were under the water, but broke the surface every time she breathed in and Danny found it very sexy, suffice is to say they didn’t get any writing done that day.

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