Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (021) A Bishop Calls


Following their meeting with the Vicar, their second full week in the cottage settled into a comfortable routine, of long walks on the pleasant days, collaborating on the new book on the unpleasant ones, with a liberal sprinkling of love making in between, a pattern they maintained through much of November, which was when Danny’s thoughts turned towards Christmas and what gift to buy Molly.

For her birthday he had commissioned a special present for her by Sam Archer, a craftsman who lived and worked in Sharpington, a hand-crafted snow globe, containing a detailed model of her former Colorado home, Lakeside, which she loved, so he contacted Sam again.


Towards the end of the month, they had a phone call from the Bishop's Palace in Abbottsford, by the Archdeacon on behalf of Bishop Aubrey Backer.

“Is that Miss Barrington?” Archdeacon Michael Perrone asked.

“It is” she replied.

“His Grace the Bishop understands that you wish to make a donation to the Church, a substantial donation I believe” he said.

“In a manner of speaking” she confirmed.

“Well, his Grace would very much like to meet you to discuss the details, perhaps we could make an appointment for you to come to the Palace.”

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible” Molly said “We have quite a lot on at the moment and can’t spare the time for a trip to Abbottsford this side of the New Year” she said as she lay naked beneath the duvet with Danny.

“We could make some time to meet here” she suggested.

“His Grace isn’t normally in the habit of making house calls” he said distastefully.

“No matter, thanks for calling, I’m sure I can find other worthwhile causes to spend my money on” she said and hung up.

“We’re getting a visit from the Bishop” she said.

“What exactly are we too busy with” Danny asked.

“What do you think?” she replied and pulled the duvet up over their heads.


Three days later Bishop Aubrey Backer, who was not in the habit of making house calls, was sitting in the lounge at Cliff Haven along with Archdeacon Michael Perrone.

“So, I understand you wish to make a substantial donation to the Church” the Bishop said.

“Not exactly” Molly replied.

“Well, I do hope I haven’t travelled here under false pretences.” He said looking accusingly at the Archdeacon.

“Having inherited my grandfather’s estate, I am a very wealthy woman and the donation I wish to make is to St Clara’s Church, for the necessary repairs and maintenance” Molly explained.

“Well, I think that money would be much better spent in more deserving parishes” the Bishop said.

“Such as?”

“We have many inner-city locations that are very deprived” he said.

“But not very Christian” Danny pointed out.

“Their need is very great” the Archdeacon confirmed.

“My interest is St Clara’s” Molly said quietly.

“I have many parishes and parishioner’s, and they all have needs, and I must balance those needs, so I am unable to sanction the expenditure on such a small insignificant Church, but I can promise your donation will be well spent” he said, and Molly rolled her eyes.

“Can you talk to her” he said to Danny.

“What do you mean? Are you suggesting that I explain to the silly little woman? Is that what you mean Bishop?” Danny said Angrily.

“No of course not, that’s not what the Bishop meant” the Archdeacon interjected.

“St Clara’s has a small congregation and not diverse enough for my taste and the church itself still retains too much of its papist fripperies.” The Bishop said, “But I promise I will spend every penny wisely.”

“I am not prepared to trust you to spend the money in accordance with my wishes once you get your grubby little hands on it”.

“Well, I will see it demolished and replaced by house’s rather than spend a penny on it” he said as he stood up.

When Molly spoke with the Solicitors, she asked them to find out as much as they could about St Clara’s, covenants, deeds, and such like, and what she found out informed her response.

“Unfortunately for you, you are unable to do that for two reasons, firstly it is a Grade 2 listed building and secondly you don’t own the land, I do” Molly said indulgently.


“So, there is nothing else to say on the matter, goodbye Bishop.”

She shouted as he left through the front door.

“The correct form of address is “Your Grace”  by the way” the Archdeacon said.

“I will refer to him as such when he shows evidence that he possesses any” Molly pointed out as she closed the door behind them.

“I’m very aroused right now” Danny said.

“Hold that thought” she said and picked up the phone and called Bramstock, Goodman, Crossfield, and Bushe

I want to buy a church.”

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