Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (042) In the Aftermath


After their visitors had left, Gwen went through Cliff Haven like a whirlwind, stripping beds, washing, tumble drying, hoovering, dusting, and mopping until the place sparkled like a new pin, she would normally have spread the work over a couple of days, but she had plans with Phil.


Molly and Danny spent the first two days slobbing around in their pyjama’s, they had no idea how tiring it was having houseguests, but they thoroughly enjoyed it though, even though it was exhausting.

Then all too soon it was twelfth night, so they had to take the Christmas decorations down.

“This isn’t nearly as much fun as putting them up” Molly observed.

“No, it’s not” he agreed.

“But it’ll be November in the blink of an eye, and we can put them back up again.”

“Oh, very sage, old man” she said and giggled.

“Any way it could be worse,” he said.

“How so?”

“We could be outside in the rain with George” he replied, and they both laughed, and just at that moment the door opened, and a soaking wet George appeared, and they laughed even louder.


Once all the decorations had been neatly packed away, with the exception of the snow globes, which had pride of place, they had another pyjama day, well actually they had a pyjama weekend and then on Monday work on the book commenced again, and they had to work flat out to finish the next two chapters in time for their trip to Abbottsford on the 17th.

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