Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (045) Getting Ahead of the Storm


The day after the celebratory meal was painful and unproductive one at Cliff Haven and after sleeping late, Danny and Molly seldom left the sofa for the rest of the day, and the day after that was little different.

The next day Molly got them back on track, as amongst other things she had become his muse.

At first in Colorado, because of the accident he had gotten behind, but she got him organized, but she was also a bit of a distraction, and a pleasant one at that, but later she became more of a distraction when she wasn’t with him, now he couldn’t imagine life without her.

Since the Archer’s returned to Sharpington after New Years there had been almost constant communications between Sam and Nikki, much as they had before they met but much more open and intimate than before.

For Arielle and Harry, it was almost daily Face Times but all four of them were really looking forward to the boys returning to the island in February. 

On Friday, because of an adverse weather forecast, warning of an approaching storm, Danny and Molly decided to leave the island early for the mainland to get ahead of the weather, so as not to risk getting stranded on the island and missing their rendezvous with Sam, Emma and the boys.


Longlake Farm is not the smallest of the five farms on the island, but covers the whole of the southwest corner, a parcel of land bordered by Halfway Lane to the north, Eagles Crag in the east and the rugged coastline to the south and west, and the White’s had raised their sheep on that land for more than four generations, and Jamie had every intention of making it five, but his immediate priority had become Hayley Stock, and their coffee date at the Galleon, where

Jamie and Hayley spent two hours talking about what might have been and before they left, they arranged a second date, and afterwards in the moonlight they shared their second kiss.  

Once they arrived in Pipershaven Molly and Danny drove straight to Applesford and stayed at his flat for two days where they could continue to work on the book before travelling to Abbottsford on the 16th where they checked into the Abbottsford Regents Hotel.

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