Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (014) Shepherd’s Delight


Around the same time George and Katie had just finished repairing one of the stone walls through which, a number of errant sheep had escaped, and as the southern border of the farm was the cliffs edge with a sheer drop to the sea, the wall was to prevent the sheep going over the edge in bad weather or poor visibility.


Katie could ill afford to lose any of her livestock, so they had identified several places that needed repairing and a couple that needed the height raising, and it took them a full week to complete the work.

The last part they worked on was a high point as it crossed a gully, so Katie was sat astride the 6ft wall and the 6ft 4 gentle giant was handing her the stones.

When the last stone was in place she said 

“I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”

“Nonsense it would just have taken you longer” he said modestly.

“Yes, but that would have taken time I just don’t have.”

“Well, it’s done now” he said, “And I’m ready to eat.”

While they were rebuilding walls Nikki was busy about the farm, feeding the chickens, and milking the goats, but more importantly she’d had a casserole in the slow cooker since 7 am.

“I’m a bit hungry myself” Katie said, “Theres just one problem.”

“What’s that?” he said.

“I can’t get down” she admitted.

“Just sling your legs over the side and slither, then let go and I’ll catch you” he said.

“What!” she retorted with alarm.

“I’ll catch you; I promise.”

“You’d better”

She let go and the gentle giant caught her and safely lowered her to the ground.

When she was on terra firmer again, she seized the moment and kissed him and when she met no resistance she didn’t hold back.

“That was very nice” he said after coming up for air “But do I still get dinner?”

“Yes, but you get your dessert first” she replied and kissed him again.

“It’s a good job I have a sweet tooth” he said as they walked arm in arm back to the farm.


Towards the end of September George was dividing his time, more or less equally between the cottage, which was very nearly completed, and Beacon farm, where things were just beginning, both in his relationship with Katie and the new arrivals born to her sister Louise, which were due home from the Bellevue Hospital any day.

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