Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (015) The Art of Publishing



At the Beaumont Manor Hotel Danny and Molly were sitting on the balcony, having just eaten lunch, and were discussing when they would move into Cliff Haven.

The restored furniture was due to be shipped from the mainland in the following few days and the landscape gardeners would finish in the same week.

“I don’t see why we couldn’t move in next week” he suggested.

“That soon?” she responded.

“Yes, I don’t see why not.”

“Oh, I’m not sure.”

“Are you reluctant to leave here then?”

“No not at all, I’m looking forward to living with you, I mean I’m looking forward to living in the cottage” she said.


“Well, I was kind of hoping.”


“To move in on my birthday” she blurted out.

“What a great idea” he said, “I wish I’d thought of that.”

“So, is that ok?”

“Of course,” he said, and she jumped up and squealed then she sat on his lap and hugged him.

“Thank you, thank you” she said and then realized what she had done and blushed.

“Sorry, sorry” she said as she stood up.

“No need to be” Danny said, “It was nice.”

“I'm just very happy” she said.

“Look, it's your house at the end of the day” Danny said.

“No, no, it's our house” she corrected him forcefully “equals remember.”

“And as equals we both get a say, so if you don't agree with something I'm suggesting put me straight.”

“OK” she agreed, but she was still thinking about the hugging which was also giving Danny food for thought.

However, they were bought out of their musings by the Teams ringtone on his laptop and when he looked at it, he said it was from his publisher.

“Hi Max”

“Good news Danny it's about the artwork you sent me, I really liked it and so I've tracked down the artist, so I'm coming to the island tomorrow.”

“Why are you coming here?” Danny asked.

“Because she lives on the island, Beacon Farm, I’m on the first ferry in the morning, meet me” he said and then he was gone.

“Beacon Farm sounds familiar” Danny said.

“That’s where George has been spending so much time” Molly pointed out.


They picked Max up from the ferry the next morning and he was extremely excited.

“If we get this wrapped up, we might still make Frankfurt.”

They suggested driving up to Cliff Haven so he could see the place, but he was very single minded.

“Maybe later” he replied, “Let's find our girl first.”

They drove past the Bellevue Hospital, and the Hotel, and Halfway Lane, and then turned right onto Beacon Farm Road.

When they entered the yard, they instantly spotted the huge frame of George Wood standing outside the kitchen door with an attractive sandy haired woman beside him.

They had phoned George after breakfast that morning to say they were coming, and that they needed to speak with Nicola,  just not why.

George had told Katie and explained who they were.

“So that's the family you work for?” she said as the Landover came to a halt.

“Oh my God” Katie exclaimed loudly when Molly emerged from the back door.

“I'm sorry, but I thought I'd seen a ghost, you are the image of your mum.”

“You knew her?” Molly asked and Katie laughed.

“Oh yes, we were all friends from primary school, your mom and dad, my husband Eddie, George, and me,

Charlotte was bridesmaid at my wedding, and I was Matron of honour at hers.”

“Really?” Molly asked.

“I have pictures” Katie added “Would you like to see them?”

“Oh yes please” Molly replied excitedly.

“Come on then” and took her arm and led her into the house.

“Nikki is in the barn” George said, “We won't see those two for a while.”


Nikki was working on a quadbike, and all was not well, she was clearly her mother’s daughter, just younger, and with redder hair, and George could testify to the fact that they cursed the same.

“Hey Nikki, these are the people I told you about” and she looked up from what she was doing and did a double take. “Danny Nightingale!” she squealed.

“I hate it when they do that” Max whispered to George.

“Me too” he agreed.

“I’m a bit oily so I won't shake hand” she said.

“But I want to, I'm a big fan.”

She was furiously trying to wash her hands clean as she said.

“Is there another book? what’s it about? when can I get it?” “Nikki! Nikki!” George interrupted “Take a breath.”

“Well, the answer to all of your questions, is very much in your hands” Max said.

“Mine?” she retorted and looked at them and frowned as they were still very oily.

“Yes, let's go over to the house and you can wash up and we'll explain everything” Danny suggested.


At the house Katie and Molly were in the sitting room on the sofa with Katie chatting nineteen to the dozen while Molly studiously poured over the photo albums on her lap.

Nikki went into the kitchen and washed her hands at the sink while the other three sat at the large pine table.

When she had washed off every speck of dirt from her hands, she dried them on the towel and said.

“Now I can shake your hand” and when the ritual was  concluded she sat down at the table with them, and Danny said.

“We wanted to talk to you about this” Max said and turned his tablet around so she could see it.

“That's one of mine” she said proudly and grinned.

“We know” Max said “And we want to use it on the cover of Danny’s next book, the first of many Sharon Jacques books, and then he swiped onto another image this time the actual front cover they were proposing going to print with, with the book title, and Danny’s name.

“Are you serious?” she asked looking from the tablet to them and back to the tablet again.

“Very” Max said and handed her an envelope.


It was three hours before they left the farm and when they did, everyone was happy especially Molly because the last thing Katie said as she hugged her was.

“I’ve got some more albums in the attic, for next time.”

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